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GET <your-unleash-url>/api/admin/dashboard/executive


name: Authorizationtype: apiKeyin: headerdescription: API key needed to access this API

This endpoint has been deprecated and may be removed in future versions of the API.

Gets high level information about the usage of this Unleash instance, including user, project, and flag information. This endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in a future minor version. Please use /api/admin/insights instead.




  • users objectrequired

    High level user count statistics

  • total number required

    The number of actual Unleash users

  • active number required

    The number of active Unleash users who have user Unleash in the past 60 days

  • inactive number required

    The number of inactive Unleash users who have not used Unleash in the past 60 days.

  • flags objectrequired

    High level flag count statistics

  • total number required

    The number of non-archived flags

  • userTrends object[]required

    How number of users changed over time

  • Array [
  • date date-time required

    A UTC date when the stats were captured. Time is the very end of a given day.

  • total number required

    The number of actual Unleash users on a particular day

  • active number required

    The number of active Unleash users on a particular day

  • inactive number required

    The number of inactive Unleash users on a particular day

  • ]
  • flagTrends object[]required

    How number of flags changed over time

  • Array [
  • date date-time required

    A UTC date when the stats were captured. Time is the very end of a given day.

  • total number required

    The number of all flags on a particular day

  • active number required

    The number of active flags on a particular day

  • stale number required

    The number of user marked stale flags on a particular day

  • potentiallyStale number required

    The number of time calculated potentially stale flags on a particular day

  • ]
  • projectFlagTrends object[]required

    How number of flags per project changed over time

  • Array [
  • week string required

    Year and week in a given year for which the stats were calculated

  • project string required

    Project id of the project the flag trends belong to

  • health number

    An indicator of the project's health on a scale from 0 to 100

  • timeToProduction number

    The average time from when a feature was created to when it was enabled in the "production" environment during the current window

  • date date-time required

    A UTC date when the stats were captured. Time is the very end of a given day.

  • total number required

    The number of all flags on a particular day

  • active number required

    The number of active flags on a particular day

  • stale number required

    The number of user marked stale flags on a particular day

  • potentiallyStale number required

    The number of time calculated potentially stale flags on a particular day

  • users number

    The number of users who have access to the project

  • ]
  • metricsSummaryTrends object[]required

    How metrics data per project changed over time

  • Array [
  • week string required

    Year and week in a given year for which the metrics summary was calculated

  • date date-time required

    A UTC date when metrics summary was captured. Time is the very end of a given day.

  • project string required

    Project id of the project the impressions summary belong to

  • totalRequests number required

    Total number of times all project flags were requested

  • totalYes number required

    Total number of times all project flags were exposed across all environments

  • totalNo number required

    Total number of times all project flags were not exposed across all environments

  • totalApps number required

    Total number of applications the impression data belong to

  • totalFlags number required

    Total number of flags the impression data belong to

  • totalEnvironments number required

    Total number of environments the impression data belong to

  • ]
  • environmentTypeTrends object[]required

    How updates per environment type changed over time

  • Array [
  • date date-time required

    A UTC date when the stats were captured. Time is the very end of a given day.

  • week string required

    Year and week in a given year for which the stats were calculated

  • environmentType string required

    Environment type the data belongs too

  • totalUpdates number required

    Total number of times configuration has been updated in the environment type

  • ]


name: Authorizationtype: apiKeyin: headerdescription: API key needed to access this API


Base URL
Security Scheme
curl / cURL
curl -L -X GET '<your-unleash-url>/api/admin/dashboard/executive' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: <API_KEY_VALUE>'